Welcome to USDJA 2.0
By: Jason Walsh, USDJA President
Aug 2, 2015, Baltimore, MD - A year ago this month, the United States Disc Jockey Association was launched and we started down a path that only a few individuals have attempted to travel. An attempt to change the "norm" within an established industry, an industry that from the perspective of many, lacks leadership and direction. We attended the 2014 DJ Expo as both an exhibitor and a seminar provider, and met with hundreds of DJs that said they were looking for a different type of DJ association, one that sets standards and provides grassroots networking and education without additional fees. This past March, we accepted over 500 applications to join during our first (and only) marketing campaign. We learned that almost every DJ we spoke to, wanted to join an association that offered an insurance benefit, so we worked with the Philadelphia Insurance Companies to bring liability and property insurance with the lowest cost to access it in the industry.
I am happy to report that after a year in operation, we have built a solid foundation for our 10-year plan to create what I hope is the industry's premier, non-profit association for mobile, club, and emerging entertainers. We still have plenty of work ahead of us, but I am excited for what we have accomplished in just twelve months. On Monday August 10, 2015 at 12:30pm at Trump Taj Mahal's Diamond Ballroom A, we will unveil the details of USDJA 2.0, the revised vision and future of our association. This sponsored seminar is open to the public and will also include educational segments regarding DJ and entertainer insurance, franchising your business (or working for a franchise) and even door prizes for those in attendance. Hope to see you there!