USDJA / BADJA Wedding Survey
Instructions: The United States Disc Jockey Association (USDJA) and the Baltimore Area Disc Jockey Association (BADJA) are looking for your experience as someone who is currently looking for a DJ, has booked a DJ in the past, or will book a DJ sometime in the near future (~ 5 years or less).
By providing the information and answers below, you agree that USDJA and BADJA may publish the content to its members and potential members via its website, newsletter, and blog/vlog, and any other method. We will not publish any personal information about you except for: your first name, first letter of your last initial, current city/state, and age (example: Susie Q., Baltimore, MD - Age 27).
This information is vital for demographics and in comparing pricing/budget among couples in various areas of the country. You also agree the information your provide is truthful to the best of your knowledge - false information will skew results and could lead to a denial of participant compensation.
In consideration of your time (this survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete), you will receive a $10 Amazon or $10 Dunkin Donuts gift code. Those that choose a Dunkin Donuts gift code, must use the DD "Dunkin" App to redeem their offer. USDJA/BADJA can only provide one code per participant and is not responsible for replacing stolen, misused, or hacked codes.
Note: This promotion is valid only through April 2, 2018 for those brides and groom, that received this survey directly from a USDJA or BADJA Board Member - other submissions are appreciated but no promotion will be offered to those brides.